
Friday, August 9, 2013

Preschool Daily Schedule

9:00 Welcome Play Time: puzzles, drawing, table activities, journals

9:30 Morning Meeting
Greetings, music and movement, group story telling, social stories, yoga, etc.

10:00 Snack Time

10:30 Choice Time
Sensory Table: sand, rice, corn, flax seeds, dinosaur bones with letters/numbers
Math Games: number sort, roll the dice stamps, shape sorts, number matching,  number
                                rhymes and finger paints/shaving cream, etc.
Art: easel painting, finger painting, drawing, watercolors, clay, bookmaking, 
Small group table: on-going project work
Finger play
      Play dough, clay, bead work, marble chute, scissors practice, drawing, mortar and 
                pestles, sorting games, sticks and yarn, puzzles, etc.
Building Blocks
Pretend Play
      dress up, house, tent, dolls, box play

11:30 Outdoor Play

12:15 Lunch

12:45 Storytime
Story, fingerplays, songs

1:15 Rest Time

1:45 Daily Five Reader’s Workshop/Group Project Work
DF: Read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, Letter/Word Play, Writing  
                     (message center, bookmaking, songwriting, thank you notes, journal entries)

2:45 Farewell Play Time: outdoor play, puzzles, drawing, table activities, journals

3:15 Community Check-in: What is something you did today? What can you share with
        your families? What did we do well? What can we work on tomorrow?

3:30 Dismissal 

*The Preschool Schedule is subject to day to day change in order to meet the immediate needs of students and utilize the "teachable moments" that any given day can present.